Come clean now, how often have you needed a single bottle wine carrier?!?
Whether it's picnicing on days out or just joining friends for a couple of jars, for me it ALWAYS involves more than one!
I found a couple of patterns on the internet for doublers, but thought 'hey, why stop at that?!' so I've created an easy pattern to carry four bottles (shown with litre water bottles). You could convert it to a wine cooler by making it taller and using a thermal wadding to keep things chilled (mine's a red, so I didn't bother!).
Water/Wine Bottle Carrier
I used our Vilene Medium Weight Iron on Interfacing, Rose & Hubble's Hearts & Polka Dots and our Sew Simple Plain Red Cotton
Outer Fabric (1/2M) – Cut big bits first!
Front 8 ½” x 12 ½”
Back 8 ½” x 12 ½”
Handle 3 ½” x 22”
Sides/Back 32” x 6 ½”
Lining Fabric (1/2M)
Front 8 ½” x 12 ½”
Back 8 ½” x 12 ½”
Handle 3 ½” x 22”
Sides/Back 32” x 6 ½”
Divider 5 ½” x 10 ½” x Four
Interfacing (Med Weight)
Front 8 ½” x 12 ½”
Back 8 ½” x 12 ½”
Handle 3 ½” x 22”
Sides/Back 32” x 6 ½”
Iron on interfacing onto 2 of the 4 pieces (if required)
Place in pairs right sides together and sew down both long sides – you can keep the ends open, they are hidden in the bag lining
Turn & Press
Place horizontally and mark half way on each divider. Sew together with a single line
Iron on interfacing onto 1 of the 2 pieces (if required)
Sew right sides together along both of the long sides
Turn & Press
Top Stitch if required
Main Bag Outer
Iron on interfacing to fabric (if required)
Position the back and front pieces vertically and round off the bottom corners only
Locate the centre of the front and back pieces and of the piece that forms the sides and bottom
Pin and attach to either the front or the back the piece that forms the sides/bottom
Repeat for the other main piece so you have back, front and sides to your bag
Trim side/bottom piece so it’s level with the front/back panel
Position the back and front pieces vertically and round off the bottom corners only
Locate the centre of the front and back pieces and of the piece that forms the sides and front
Mark 1 ½” from the top on both front and back pieces as this is where the divider will sit
Pin the front or back to the the lining that forms the side/bottom
Insert two points of the the divider into the lining using your marks
Leave a gap of 3-4” for turning underneath where the dividers sit, sew back or front to sides/bottom
Repeat for the last piece, inserting the other two points of the divider into the seam
Turn the lining inside out (the divider part will be on the outside, it feels a bit weird but go with it!)
Retain the outer fabric inside out
Place the lining into the outer piece
Position the straps between and under the lining, the same fabrics should face each other
Stitch round the top going over the area holding the straps a couple of times
Turn the bag the right way round
Press and top stitch
Sew the gap closed
Add wine! (Or Water)